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Дата добавления: 10.06.2022 в 12:06 Дата обновления: 10.06.2022 в 14:02
Фильтры: дополнительные категории отсутствуют.
Call to Arms: Gates of Hell - Ostfront. Разработчики: Barbedwire Studios, Digitalmindsoft. Языки: Русский, английский, французский, немецкий, китайский, итальянский, испанский. Редактор: есть. Размер игры: 46.4 ГБ. Сетевая игра: ---. Запуск модов:есть. Версия игры: 1.021.0.
Основная цель проекта Call to Arms - Gates of Hell: Ostfront - передать реализм и воплотить в жизнь именно ту стратегию, которую всегда желали игроки: никаких упрощений геймплея, легкого пути не будет. Предоставляя наиболее глубокое и точное погружение в сеттинг Второй Мировой войны.
Если вы долго ожидали игру которая повествует вам истории истории войны. Платформу которая позволит вам воспроизвести сражения. Вам не стоит больше искать, а настало время погрузится в Gates of Hell.
Дополнение к Call to Arms включает в себя восточный фронт Великой Отечественной войны между СССР и Гитлеровской Германии.
Начиная с 1941 и до конца войны в 1945. Игра представит развитие армий и их технологий в один из самых разрушительный конфликтов в истории человечества.
Особенности игры:
18 Исторических миссий доступные в одиночном и кооперативном прохождение
PvE Динамическая кампания позволяющая сформировать свою армию для войны на фронте
Peer-2-server PvP мультиплеер с доктринами позволяющие специализировать армию под ваш стиль игры для побед над противниками в конкурентных режимах.
RTS режим с прямым управление юнитами от третьего лица и первого лица для техники.
Доступно более 200 видов техники и вооружения
Воздушная и морская поддержка
Система повреждения техники с внутренними модулями и реалистичной баллистикой.
Мины, магнитные бомбы, окопы, штыки, дымовые завесы и другие механики доступны для превосходства над противником.
Аутентичный звуки записаны с реальных образцов техники и вооружения
Редактор карт и модов с поддержкой Workshop
Дополнение Talvisota для CtA - GoH предлагает игроку Финскую фракцию с возможностью пройти бои на севере между 1939 и 1945 годами, включая приличный арсенал и уникальные игровые механики.
Возвращение классического режима для одиночного и совместного прохождения “Схватка” расширяет Восточный фронт с новыми миссиями и обновленным грозным ИИ.
Особенность репака:
Сломан редактор миссий от 1.021.0 версии.
Выдрал редактор от 1.019.0 версии. Вроде бы работает с репаком 1.021.0 call_to_arms_ed_1.019.0.exe.7z --------------------------------------------------------
Порядок установки:
Запустить call_to_arms.exe по пути \Call to Arms Gates of Hell Ostfront\binaries\x64\
Изменить язык- в настройках игры: Options > Game > Language
У кого ошибка "terminated exception_access_violation" : Перед запуском кампании идём в НАСТРОЙКИ - ВИДЕО - Качество воды: НИЗКО.
Журнал обновлений Update 24:- Updated Russian Localization
- Updated German Localization
Added infrastructure for the Finland nation (access to Finland dependent on owning Talvisota DLC)
Added early war period to multiplayer
Added early war units to Germany, USSR (80+ vehicles, 20+ squads)
Added New Maps, 2v2_Stalingrad, 2v2_Katrinovo, 2v2_Monastery, 4v4_Lysovo
Added new minimap with fog of war rendering and no clipping on corners
Added garrisoning of buildings
Added New animations, improved the playability of animations.
Added recoil and gun swaying to 3rd person for all weapons
Added many animals which are neutral on maps.
Added late war infantry to conquest
Added cabled electrical poles and supporting mechanic, more ruins and other assets.
Added better destructibility for many buildings with visible parts fracture
Added ability For Specific Cannons To Move With Only 1 Crewman (Example Maxim MG)
Added Ba-64 to Mid war
Added Blood Death fx to humans when the revive-able timer ends
Added Collision Sound and fx When Vehicles Contact Cannons
Added Domination mode support for 4v4 maps
Added small randomization to air bombs so they don't drop in the exact spot.
Added pressure wave damage blastwaves for HE shells: damage can be dealt to units in close proximity even if there is an obstacle.
Added Interaction Code To Remove Vision Blocking For Bushes And Trees That Are Burned or Bare and Should Be Able to Be Seen Through
Added Item pick up sound event to pickup small animations
Added new slope terrain on MP maps
Added TM-35 and TM-41 Soviet Anti-tank Mines
Added new vehicle view diagrams
Added Wire cutting feature
Added that player readiness state resets when changing war period
Added point scoring to doctrine units when the are killed, like standard units.
Added reload button to control panel
Added resupply of sandbag kits to cannons
Added splinter m24 to several high tier infantry, gebirgsjäger, jägers, begleitgrenadiers, grossdeutschland, veteran inf.
Added anti tank ditches for engineers to build
Added several early war units to mid/late periods
Added missing ds39 shooting sounds
Added Axis vs Allies alliances for MP
Added several new more realistic accuracy values for APC, APCR, APCR (arrowhead), HEAT and HVAP shell types
Added New footstep sounds for humans
Added Aim by motion to mortars
Added Explosion fx on cannon self destruction
Added missing colliders to vehicle_xx preset
Added coupling of cooldowns and limits between regular snipers and squads with sniper (doesnt affect doctrines)
Added passengers to t37a
Added support for a cyclic buy option in MP: The same button will cycle between different units each time.
Updated conquest units and research tree for all 3 nations
Updated squad formation mechanics
Updated sniper aiming mechanic: is less disturbed by x/y yaw motion
Updated artillery ranges and accuracies
Updated grazing howitzer aiming times and accuracies
Updated mobility and motion mechanics of armoured cars.
Updated localizations for many languages
Updated lighting on dynamic campaign maps for better look and readability
Updated third person veterancy icons
Updated SP Glushkovo, Volokolamsk & Krasny Bor: altitude haze on weathers for better compatibility with other maps
Updated artillery ranges to linear scale, with scaling 250-600m = 2000-24000m
Updated collider of Ba64 so it can perform the same abilities (running over MG/Mortar) as other armoured cars.
Updated many buildings to make them play better
Updated many ground impact fx with dust variant
Updated multiplayer games to default alliances on each side instead of nations
Updated off map artillery and bomb blast damage to be inline with on map artillery of same caliber and explosive filler
Updated stamps displayed on concrete destruction
Updated tankmen textures.
Updated bomb fx and sizes
Updated human 3rd person camera positions to be more like contemporary 3rd person games
Updated Sn42 body armor texture
Updated Several environmental destruction FX, 50% to 90% reduction in particles
Updated Rocket artillery to be a more accurate at shorter distances -
Updated Several environmental destruction FX, 50% to 90% reduction in particles
Updated Ammo counts of rocket artillery
Updated Recoil of smgs
Updated Several smaller body volumes in armored cars to not be targetable to AI. Means AI targets larger, more central area of vehicle
Updated Cooking fx with new ground fire particles
Updated MG and mortar inventory weights so that ammo doesn't split into multiple stacks, breaking resupply in conquest
Updated Smoke trail FX
Updated Vehicle snow grit FX to not contain huge snowflakes
Updated M72 motocycle mgun mount was changed to real one.
Updated Penetration FX of various sizes
Updated blast damages to provide consistent blast damage and blast size based on the shell's size and explosive filling.
Updated optimized tree and wooden object fire FX
Updated explosion sprite in grenade explosion FX
Updated bt5 textures
Updated t37a textures
Updated Bison textures
Updated Sig33B textures
Updated Panzer IVD textures
Updated texture details on several vehicles
Updated colour of standard settings to green
Updated colour of test mode to yellow
Fixed queuing of foxholes
Fixed using drop down menu for selecting shell type for tanks and cannons to switch to the selected shell
Fixed AI not reloading when low magazine count and idle.
Fixed AI shooting at some armoured cars with handguns when AT is available.
Fixed mortars turning 90° to fire at targets in MP
Fixed formation not being reset when squad is sent to cover
Fixed 1942_09_Elbrus - script update to disable teleporting and related event to shelter11 building as its now fully enterable and usable.
Fixed 1943_02_Krasny_Bor
Fixed Mission So that Its skippable & Fixed Narrator Lines Repeating More Than Once
Fixed 1943_07_Petrovka - Removed soldiers with discovered 0 who are also linked in cover in trenches as attempt to fix an issue in coop.
Fixed 4v4_Swamp - Expanded ocean mask as many areas especially small shallow islands had visible water cutoff polygons.
Fixed AI snipers targetting legs
Fixed BA-20 mobility, armor and inventory stats
Fixed CP for some tier 2 soldiers which should be 2CP but was still 3CP
Fixed Crash AI_Delay
Fixed Crash If Ammo2 Box Explodes
Fixed Floating trench on wotan
Fixed Goliath tanks to not be "crew stunned" on blast and pierce damage
Fixed Krasny bor weather contrast
Fixed LOD position for stone wall lamp
Fixed Localization And MP Buymenu
Fixed MP and SP Wotan: vision volumes being enabled for bushes which were practically bare
Fixed Memory Leaks
Fixed Missing Tank Commander In Doctrine Units
Fixed Obstacle Position to Update When Cannons Rotate
Fixed Rocks on industry floating
Fixed Shirayevo weather: light issues which cause the inventories to go dark
Fixed Train turntable
Fixed aiming wheel animation on 15cm sIG 33
Fixed bazooka class weapons didn't trigger death counter for vehicles
Fixed french domination localization
Fixed hay stacks to be pierce able by bullets
Fixed hidden wheel/carriage volumes on cannons to not block bullets after cannon was destroyed
Fixed humans that are in revive state (bleeding out) can be killed by fire damage, strong enough blast damage, direct hit by tank shells and 50% random chance by bullets.
Fixed minor issues with 1v1_farmland, 1v1_kalinin, 1v1_riverbank, 2v2_gelid and 2v2_industry maps
Fixed missing churchill doctrine stats icon
Fixed more environment and building assets obstacles and vision
Fixed pathingID of sdkfz221 and sdkfz222 (had incorrect setting of an unarmoured wheeled vehicle, results in a reduction of speed on offroad or wet surfaces)
Fixed performance for sov2st_build1 building
Fixed rural_wooden_church2: cover, vision, hide-able roof, able to use sniper tower
Fixed some haystacks not showing fire fx when on fire
Fixed stug crew headgear historically as close as possible
Fixed the barrage fire from not working if player moved cursor so its beyond max range of unit
Fixed the barrage fire from using wrong (max range) accuracy value firing when the aimier is not yet aligned in classic DC mode
Fixed trench_pillbox vision and roof to hide
Fixed units getting stuck on fallen tree under the terrain on 3v3_wotan
Fixed visibility and obstacles for several industry map assets to allow better vision and pathing around them
Fixed vision through windows on building: warehouse
Fixed vision, volumes, armor, and obstacles for stalingrad_ruin1,2,3
Fixed volumes and cover for buildings delivery_plant
Fixed whole roof to become invisible when units enter eastern-europe_farm
Fixed range for 37mm_kwk146f to be 160m instead of 170m (no inline with other 37mm-45mm guns)
Fixed 3rd person human view when throwing grenades to be more consistent with other weapons in 3rd person
Fixed direct control accuracy when in 3rd person mode for humans to 2x more accurate than classic/rts direct control
Fixed minimum required crew to move ammo crate and 20mm_flak30 to 2 crew
Fixed non-convex volume on isu152 xx model
Fixed various localization issues with capitalization inconsistences
Fixed mg rotation speed for motorcycles and jeeps
Fixed panzer IV F winter x textures
Fixed wrong texture for ammo crates in MP on winter maps
Fixed stump1_tall and stump2_tall from not breaking on contact with vehicles
Fixed barbedwire (wired_obstacle7) not breaking on contact with vehicles
Fixed wood terrain bomb fx
Fixed the origin of blastwave damage from bombs so that its slightly higher than ground terrain
Fixed 2v2 tikhvin spawns on domination
Fixed 3rd person for MG stands to get the accuracy bonus that should have
Fixed Frontal armor of su100 to have correct thickness
Fixed MG's to have open bipod when linked to the M72 motorcycle
Fixed Missing late localizations for germany
Fixed Bugs and inconsistencies in the MP costs
Fixed Damage reports on self-destruct
Fixed Inconsistency with in game damage message size and font across languages
Fixed Prop "explosion_throw_crew" from deleting crew before they could be thrown
Fixed Rifle bolt animation timings
Fixed Russian_shed1 from not being crush able by tanks
Fixed Trees to be knocked over when hit by HEAT shells
Fixed british 57mm shell localization
Fixed wrong model used on bulleteng_57
Fixed some missing localizations
Fixed soviet MP breeds with german bandages
Fixed sandbags sometimes not being damaged by direct hit of HE shells (not autocannons)
Fixed positioning of high risk stars on conquest map
Increased cost of flamethrowers
Increased burst duration for dshk mg
Increased cost of snipers that form part of other squads
Increased limits of snipers per game from 3 to 5
Increased 150mm Nebelwerfer accuracy at max range
Increased FOV of human 3rd person camera
Decreased stealth spotting distances
Decreased accuracy of mortars
Decreased CP,MP of infantry on some cases which was being wrongly calculated
Decreased CP of radio signaller from 10 to 3CP in line with other infantry of the same tier.
Decreased MP price of T40 from 220 to 190 MP
Decreased accuracy of small caliber AT guns by 20% (test)
Decreased ammo counts for arty, specifically HE shells.
Decreased cannon mobility top speeds by ~15% (test)
Decreased the resupply cost of 132mm and 150mm rocket shells to be inline with the cost of Artillery HE shells of the same explosive power
Decreased accuracy for 20mm Autocannons slightly
Decreased accuracy of infantry support weapons
Decreased armor thickness of wooden fences to be more realistic
Decreased damage of sniper rifles done to humans when shooting at targets beyond intended range
Decreased distance humans are spotted when shooting (ex. 200m to 150m for human vision)
Decreased distance sniper rifles are spotted when shooting (ex. 200m to 100m for human vision)
Decreased spreading penalty when firing multiple shots, for Heavy MG's (DSHK, .50cal)
Decreased starting ammo count for 28mm PzB41 by 50%
Decreased supply regeneration rate for both crates and supply trucks
Decreased vision of Aircraft, specifically in Multiplayer for off-map airstrikes to help prevent them doubling as a recon plane as well
Removed sandbags from 28mm PzB41 cannon (barrel is to low to ground for sandbags to be useful)
Removed construction x models that cause pathing issues from 3v3_barrikady
Removed alpha clipping from some smoke textures
Removed flame fx at the end of flamethrower barrel. Was giving soldier's position away, through fog of war.
Removed "forced grass on" when in human 3rd person views
Removed 1st person view accuracy bonus from indirect fire artillery (rocket launchers, cannons, mortars)
Removed Icon above at rifles when linked to vehicle
Removed rocket arty from being able to auto fire on enemies with unit is player controlled. Seems to be only way to control pz38h_w40 from shooting its rockets instead of cannon or mg at most units
Если будут проблемы, обновите - Microsoft Visual C++.
Ага уже есть ) Добавил дополнительно более актуальную версию игры - 1.022.0 + DLC - TALVISOTA. Последняя доступная (взломанная) версия . См. раздел дополнительные раздачи.
Всем привет поставил редактор как написано 19 версии, установил мод Waffen Ss, зашел в игру активировал этот мод , показывает норм, захожу в редактор этого мода нет, снова захожу в игру а он не активиирован, походу с этим редактором не работает...
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