Added Yak-1 Series 69, and added this soviet fighter to the missions. On one cutscene it's still missing, we will hotfix this tonight.
Added RU localized videos for mission briefings.
Added a more complex AI airstrike logic for conquest.
Improved "Ace of Swords" mission and numerous map fixes.
Improved vaulting, tasks and camera on tutorial
Improved binocular and sniper spotting capabilities.
Fixed AA guns targetting planes
Fixed crashes to desktop in multiplayer from inventory exchanges.
Fixed rare black screen on "Operation Bustard Hunt"
Fixed CP in conquest for BA-20 to be inline with other MG armored cars
Fixed CP in conquest for T37A to be inline with other MG tanks
Fixed IL2 body from being torn from basis
Fixed T-26 mod.33 enumerator
Fixed crater sizes in Wotan
Fixed all deep water in Fall
Fixed Swamp: fixed missing non passable terrain
Fixed Industry: removed problematic tree for better pathing
Fixed Runway: added non passable terrain around big rocks
Fixed weather sound on Blizzard and Barrikady
Fixed track bugs T34-57/41
Increased AA gun turning speeds to achieve aim faster and augment time for firing.
Reduced DsHK stand cost from 180 to 150MP.
Added destroyed models for 2cm Flak 30 and 30cm Nebelwerfer 42
Added vehicle view for Flak 18
Added voice-over for tutorial
Added straw (hay) fx material in
Added ability for AI to target wheels on armored cars with bullet class weapons
Added winter texmods for items
Improved (redesigned) "Ace of Swords"
Improved "Among the Heavens"
Improved "Operation Bustard Hunt"
Improved "Winter Storm"
Improved tutorial
Improved Su-152 texture
Improved (optimized) several explosion fx
Improved ownership of CtA basic edition missing message
Improved difficulty health rebalance
Fixed crash on conquest load
Fixed crash on vehicle destruction
Fixed tutorial tank repair
Fixed black screen on "Winter Storm"
Fixed spawn on barrikadiy
Fixed volume on pointer
Fixed designation for 100mm APHEBC ammo to be BR-412B
Fixed armor thickness for MG port on T-34 series
Fixed "underwater" terrain fx
Fixed pathfinding and obstacles on several maps
Fixed obstacle ID's on all vehicle xx models
Fixed armor setup for sdkfz221
Fixed armor setup for kv85
Fixed armor setup for is1_43
Fixed armor settings for panzer4d and panzer4g
Fixed vehicles with wheel ripped off are not recoverable for next conquest mission
Fixed AT mines trigger radius
Fixed gunner/commander crew bug for kubelwagen_mg
Fixed obstacles for soviet_rural_house1
Fixed obstacles for _rural/environment/planks
Fixed crew count and type for T34-85, ZIS30 SU76, SU85, SU100, SU122, SU152
Fixed resupply for german 30mm autocannon ammo
Removed conquest loss after exiting the game
Removed capture ability from Panzer 1 Ausf. F
Removed service item that wasn't used and caused a crash when attempting to spawn.
Increased AT mines blast damage
Reduced artillery accuracy at max range
Reduced conquest unarmed transport trucks CP from 4 to 2
Reduced wheel durability for ba64
Reduced width of ba64 gunner vision
Reduced defender resources at start of conquest on easy difficulty
Reduced braking distance for wheeled vehicles (especially heavy ones)
Reduced cost of soviet late war defensive doctrine Heavy Marines from 20 to 15 DP
Reduced cost of soviet late war irregular doctrine Heavy Recon from 20 to 15 DP