Цитата medvedkadjak ()
ет, там вполне хватает имеющейся, куда там новую вставлять?
Понравилось как на сайте GoG какой то чувак правильно П вставил разрабам ))) Этих юнитов действительно нет в игре хотя во Вьетнаме они были ...
"There are only 6 vehicles! The "M113", "YW-531", "M24 Chaffee", "M48 Patton", "T-34/85" and "T-54". Not even 10% of what the WW2 "MoW" titles had! There's no M114's, M3 Halftracks, M50's, M60 Pattons, M47 Pattons, M46 Super Pershings, M26 Pershings, M551 Sheridans (because they could NOT be arsed adding new code to handle ATGM's), M4A3E8 Shermans, M901 TOW Vehicles, T-55's, T-10M's, IS-2's, IS-3's, BTR-40's, BTR-50's, BTR-60's, SU-100's, SU-85's, PT-76's, ASU-57's.
There's only ONE artillery piece, the US M114 of WW2 vintage. None of the 1000's of pieces of Russian artillery used by Vietnam. NO self propelled artillery vehicles. No AT-Guns, fixed or self-propelled, including none of the high-powered, high penetration "recoilless rifles" that were very common in Vietnam, types such as the B-10, B-11, M40 etc. No ATGM's, vehicle or manpack whatsoever. The only modern AT included are the M72 LAW and RPG-7, which are still pretty much same as the WW2 title's Bazooka's and Panzerschrecks - just with higher penetration stats.
The only real new thing they've added is helicopters, just TWO, the Mi-4 and the UH-1..... no AH-1 Cobra!
As for aircraft, only the old WW2 IL-2 Sturmovik appears..... not even the post-WW2 IL-10 version!!!!! No MiG-15's, 17's, 19's or 21's, no jets at all for the Vietnamese! The US only has the F-4 Phantom, AND THE RETARDS COULDN'T EVEN GET THAT RIGHT..... LABELLING IT "F-14"!!!!! The title sequence video shows an A-1 Skyraider in action..... THAT ISN'T EVEN IN THE GAME NEITHER!!!!!
Ok, you may be saying, well Vietnam was mostly an infantry war. Well yes, but even in this, "MoW : V" is only HALF as varied as the WW2 MoW titles, with only half as many infantry weapons and items included.
On top of this the difficulty levels are STUPID, and it is bug-riddled / crashes constantly like "Red Tide" and "Condemned Heroes"!
Так что бро юнитов туда даже и нужно добавить так как баланс ты более подогнал под реалии естественно на сколько сама игра
это позволяет ;)
Уродцы разрабы поленились сделать Огнеметный БТР )))
https://topwar.ru/107434-samohodnyy-ognemet-m132-ssha.html Да и танки такие у них были ;)
https://tankyvbou.blogspot.com/2011/07/blog-post.html Бой между американскими и северовьетнамскими танкистами в Бенхете.
https://picturehistory.livejournal.com/515064.html «АПОКАЛИПСИС ВСЕГДА»: СТАРЫЕ ТАНКИ И ПУШКИ ВЬЕТНАМСКОЙ АРМИИ
запасливые ;)
Тренировка военнослужащих НОАК со струйным ранцевым огнеметом